The "Songahm Star" is the pattern that is formed on the ground if all 18 forms of the Songahm system are completed. In a perfect Songahm Star, the distance from the center point of the star to the top point is nine feet ("feet" being the student's foot length). The total distance from the top point to the bottom point equals 18 feet, representing the number of forms in the Songahm system.

While training in Songahm Taekwondo, each student focuses not only on the physical skills he or she must learn, but also on important skills that will help lead to personal success in life. Learning these Life Skills are just as important as breaking boards or kicking high. At Yee's ATA Black Belt Academy "Character Counts"! What good is physical fitness and the ability to defend yourself if you aren't prepared to live your life and be successful while doing so.
The program has even more of a positive impact when parents discuss and reinforce the monthly themes at home with their children. Students of all ages should remember to say the word of the month when you enter or leave the school or workout area (after bowing) as well as after bowing to the parents at the beginning and end of class. For your convenience, we've listed the monthly Life Skills for the entire year below.
- January - GOALS
- February - COURTESY
- March - LOYALTY
- April - GOALS
- July - GOALS
- September - HONOR
- October - GOALS
- November - SELF-CONTROL
- December - INTEGRITY

In addition to monthly themes, our system includes the unique victory patch. Karate Kids and Tiny Tigers (ages 3-12) are awarded special "Victory Stars" in one of four colors for outstanding performance in karate class, school, home or at a tournament competition.
Awarded for outstanding performance at school, significant improvement, straight A's, and Honor Roll. Your child may turn in a "School Worksheet", filled out and signed by the child's teacher, on the 2nd and 4th week of each month. It is designed to reinforce and create good behavior and study habits when they are at school. Your child will receive 1 GOLD STAR for a total of four check marks in the "excellent" or "improving" categories. Print out the School Worksheet by following the link below.

Awarded for great work at home. Each week your child may turn in a "Activity Worksheet". Included on this form are things like making their bed, practicing taekwondo at home, demonstrating the monthly theme, and using good manners. There are also three blank "Parent's Choice" spaces, where you can fill in an appropriate activity of your choosing, such as helping to set the table or washing the car for grandpa. Ten completed activities earns 1 BLUE STAR. Print out the Activity Worksheet by following the link below.

Awarded for tournament participation. After a tournament, students may bring their trophies to class where they will be displayed in front of the class for a few days. Karate Kids and Tiny Tigers will be given 1 RED STAR for their courage, dedication and tournament participation.
These stars are considered special performance awards. They are given out at the discretion of Mr. and Mrs. Yee. One way to earn 1 SILVER STAR is to do community service. Yee's ATA Black Belt Academy participates in Modesto's N.E.A.T. (Neighborhood Environmental Action Team) Program. We have officially adopted Sonoma Park on Orangeburg Ave. (just a short distance from the school). Once a month, usually on a Saturday after taekwondo classes, we meet at the park and all pitch in to clean it up. We provide everything to to the job right - gloves, trash grabbers, and plenty of bags - all you need to do is show up and sign in. It's a great activity for families to do together, demonstrating to your kids the importance of giving back to the community.
Four different colored Victory Patches are available to accommodate all the stars that can be earned by a high achieving Karate Kid. When you have accumulated the correct number of stars for each patch, turn in your patch to Mrs. Yee. Mr. Yee will then present you with the next level patch during a future class.
0-24 Stars
25-49 Stars
50-99 Stars
100+ Stars

Bahro - End
Chah-reot - Attention
Keu-mahm - Stop
Jhoonbee - Ready
Ki-hap - Yell
Kyeong-neh - Bow
She-jahk - Start
Shi-uh - At ease
Dojang - School
Dobok - Uniform
Poomse - Form
Sahbum nim - Instructor
Taesa nim - Master
Baubsa nim - Senior Master
Jongsa nim - Chief Master
Saboo nim - Grand Master

Long yu Feng
The Dragon is considered the supreme spiritual power. He represents wisdom and strength. Dragons symbolize excellence, boldness, nobility and perseverance.
A Dragon overcomes obstacles until success is his. He is energetic, decisive, optimistic intelligent & ambitious. (Lung/Loong - Emperor)
The Phoenix is the symbol for beauty, high virtue, grace of power and prosperity. She represents the union of Yin & Yang. Only people of high moral value and importance are allowed to display the phoenix design.
The Phoenix is a gentle creature alighting so gently that it crushes nothing and is believed to eat only bamboo seeds and drink the sweetest of dewdrops.
(Feng Huang - Empress)
Yin & Yang is the perspective of balance and continual change. Yin & Yang are dependant opposites that must always be in balance with each other. The opposites flow in a natural cycle always replacing each other, continually interacting and creating change. Summer, which is Yang, gives way to winter, which is Yin. Darkness becomes light and light becomes darkness.
The Golden rings are a symbolism for Infinity and Eternity.
The phoenix's tail displays all of the belt colors that represent your journey to Black Belt.
In the Asian culture when the Dragon and Phoenix are together, it is a representation of Unity or Wedded Bliss.

As Taekwondo Event Begins:
"Sir / Mam
I will practice in the Spirit of Taekwondo,
with Courtesy for fellow students,
Loyalty for my instructor,
and Respect for my juniors and seniors,
...Sir / Mam!"
As Taekwondo Event Ends:
"Sir / Mam
I shall live with Perseverance in the Spirit of Taekwondo,
having Honor with others,
Integrity within myself,
and Self Control in my actions,
...Sir / Mam!"

"I promise to be a good person
With knowledge in the mind,
Honesty in the heart,
Strength in the body,
And to make good friends!"

- Students and instructors will bow to the flags each time they enter or leave the classroom area to
demonstrate respect to the instructors and fellow students.
- If students are late for class, they should ask permission to enter class. Permission must be obtained to
leave the classroom for any reason.
- All students must turn in their tracking card for each class.
- Students will respond "Yes/No, Sir or Ma'am" in conversation with instructors, stand respectfully and
address them by their last name and proper title.
- Students will turn away from instructor or opponent when adjusting uniform or belt.
- Students are encouraged to participate in class enthusiastically, however, they are to avoid unnecessary
- No student, regardless of rank, may instruct or correct another student without permission from the
supervising instructor.
- A clean uniform is imperative in each class as a reflection of the student's pride.
- Only white shoes (sneakers or martial arts shoes) may be worn to/from class with your uniform, workout clothes, or ATA warm-ups. This rule also applies to tournaments. Sandals are unacceptable. Before entering class, store shoes neatly in the shoe storage area.
- Female students must wear a white T-shirt under their uniform.
- Students will not wear shoes on the workout floor.
- No jewelry shall be worn in class except for a wedding ring.
- All belts should be tied to hang evenly, as one side represents the mind and the other side represents the
- Students may not engage in free-sparring without all proper gear and direct supervision of an instructor.
- There will be no use of profanity on the school premises at any time.
- Permission of the student's instructor is required before a student may attend another ATA school or
martial arts function.
- High ranking visitors to the class should be greeted with appropriate respect; if class is in session, all
members should immediately stop and bow.
- Students, parents and guests will not converse with any person involved in a class session without
permission from the instructor.
- School owner is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.

Our testings are generally held on Friday evening and Saturday. Children who are testing will remain in the dojang during testing. For their safety, children who are not testing are not allowed to be outside without adult supervision.
Students should arrive at least 15 minutes before testing begins. All students line up by rank before testing. When a
student arrives after line up, everyone must move to make room for that person. This tends to make line up
chaotic, so please make sure your child arrives early.
Students must be dressed in a clean and pressed regulation uniform with the correct belt. Ladies need to
have a clean white t-shirt under their dobok. Men wear their dobok only. No jewelry is to be worn except
wedding rings (please make sure the setting will not cause injury to you or your fellow students).
Spectators are welcome at testing, but they must be quiet and non-interruptive during the proceedings,
including remaining seated until the testing is over unless they have to use the rest room or have a child that
may need care. Students can be distracted by movement, loud talking or laughter from spectators in the audience making testing difficult. Please try to keep your movement and talking to a minimum so students can concentrate on their material. Because our testings are
long, you might want to make alternative arrangements for babies or small children who might be come restless
during testing. Children who can sit quietly are always welcome.
Courtesy to other students includes being quiet and attentive as fellow students test. Enthusiastic positive
encouragement is permitted from students during the sparring portion of the test - please remember to be supportive of everyone testing.
A student who is scheduled to test, but finds himself unable to attend, should notify the instructor before testing
Students who are testing remain with the group until the testing is complete.
Students who are attending the testing as spectators will stand at attention and recite the Songahm Spirit of
Taekwondo, whether or not in uniform.
Students must ask permission from an Instructor or Junior Leader to use the restroom or get a drink of water.
No student is allowed to wait outside. They must stay inside until they are picked up. We are very strict about
this. Please understand that the students safety is our major concern.